Tuesday 19 May 2015

Funeral for Hope

In every beginning is an end
In every end is a beginning

We shall keep our breath under our eyelids

We saw green trees melt into ashes
The mid-day rain washed memories
Damped them where rotten shadows
Once upon a pride, sold cleavages for praise;

On which face shall we smile
When the last offspring of hope
Was found, a skeleton, in a rubbish can
Behind our house of dreams
Where we erected flags to impregnate desire?

We shall lay his skeleton in state
For despair and stress to pay homage
We shall mummify it with ashes
And inter it among the daffodils in our backyard
Wait for moons to see it resurrect

For now, it will be shameful
To borrow someone’s face for funeral
Though ours is bereaved of tears
For now, we shall keep our breath
Under constant watch against thieves and cannibals
