Monday 31 October 2011

Dirge for a Clan Child

Guns in hands, shooting escapes the mind
Knives in hands, throwing poses difficulty
They say the death of a man never far from him
For whatever footwear you wear
Thorns cannot be a taboo;

So the maimed him, they maimed him  

Storm-fire howls against the oak
Deep rooted in the crust of savanna sands
Chased by wild wise dogs
For usurping ancestral thrones
Four decades and two ago

So the maimed him, they maimed him  

He bore the burdens of the clan
He was the voice of resilience
Against dog’s dreams of another brother-trade across brines
Several sea-waves to come

 So the maimed him, they maimed him  

It was for similar or same crime
That grandfather Kwame was chased
To end his journey in a foreign dream
And even his body was at the Supreme Court
For questioning and for cosmic justice adjudication

So the maimed him, they maimed him

They say Lumumba also craved for too long
 A dream time to bury traces of dog feet
That scratched the fertile soils of his farmland
And transported primal work power
To beyond where clouds and seas conclave

So the maimed him, they maimed him  

Sankara of recent dream faced same
Crucifixion by doggish masked justice
When he rose at the battle front to archive
Our tatted memory and birth a new future
And dream a newer dream for our children

So the maimed him, they maimed him  

and just

They maimed him, they maimed him
The clan’s only vocal child
The maimed him, they maimed him  

deep inside the gallows of his birthplace

and darkness fell on the clan-house
at noon.

2:05am. 22/10/2011. Legon

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