Tuesday 6 December 2011


A million salaams
A million million salaams

There are so many things to tell that can’t be told
In these murderous minutes

Only salaams. A million million salaams

The rocky hills of chained plateaus,
The mamba mimicking roads that gyrate
Through the mountains and hills and valleys
All say salaams. A million million salaams

They create monuments in memory of thanksgiving

Which priest goes into his divining room
And forgets his divining beads in his wife’s bedroom
Or his assistant in the herbal forests?

There are sea shore sands to count-
Those that guided our fleeting feet-
That can’t be counted in these
Murderous minutes

Only salaams. A million million salaams

And what force lies in the unspoken words of
silence? What power? It is like
A light tap that uproots baobabs in
The midst of dense tickets

 A million salaams. A million million salaams.

So the mountains say-
To the silences embroidered upon the monuments
Installed with voices of memorial

There are so so many dreams to dream
That can’t and must not be dreamt in these
Murderous minutes

Thewe hills that so tall upon several silences
Seductively beckons, but must be left

With so many salaams
A million million Salaams!

15/10/2011 (Mampong , School of the Deaf-DemoDeaf & SHTS)

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